Камара на инженерите в инвестиционното прокетиране Chamber of engineers in the investment design

Метростанция - София Летище София Спортна зала

Предложение от JRC за достъп до ELSA Reaction Wall

Dear all,

The Joint Research Centre is offering transnational access to the ELSA (European Laboratory for Structural Assessment) Reaction Wall, within the Horizon Europe project ERIES (Engineering Research Infrastructures for European Synergies).

This is a unique opportunity to have your experimental project fully financed. The ERIES project will cover the cost for the construction of the specimens, use of the laboratory, staff and equipment necessary for the experimental project, as well as travel and subsistence of users for preliminary meetings and for attending the tests. Two transnational access projects will be hosted at the ELSA Reaction Wall.

We invite you to submit a proposal by filling-in the online form. The first cut-off date for proposals is 30 September 2022. We count on you to propose innovative projects that are relevant at European level and involve more than one institution and user (European cooperation is encouraged).

We organise a webinar on 21 June (16.00-17.00 CET) to present the transnational access activities at ELSA and answer your questions. Join us online: https://europa.zoom.us/j/64863020942?pwd=VE5zVEpRRE40YzJVUVFsWUNmVm1zdz09 (Meeting ID: 648 6302 0942; Password: 8173540312).

Please feel free to contact us should you require additional information.

Kind regards,



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