Камара на инженерите в инвестиционното прокетиране Chamber of engineers in the investment design

Метростанция - София Летище София Спортна зала

Информация за предварителна версия на ръководство за адаптиране на сгради към климатичните промени.


Чрез ECEC (Европейския съвет на инженерните камари) получихме информация за предварителна версия на ръководство за адаптиране на сгради към климатичните промени.
Коментари/забележки все още могат да се пускат към анкетата до 16.09.2022 (вкл.).

The European Commission has initiated a study to collect and synthesise existing methods, specifications, best practices and guidance for climate-resilient buildings into a technical guidance document that can provide practical advice for professionals and be referenced or used in different EU policy documents. You can find more information on the study's website.

The study team has produced the first draft of the EU-Level Technical Guidance on adapting buildings to climate changeYou can download the draft Guidance HERE.

With this email, we invite you to provide your feedback on the first draft of the Technical Guidance, and to share your insights on how this could be further improved. This is crucial as it is of the utmost importance that this document is directly relevant and easily applicable to all relevant stakeholders within the construction industry ecosystem.

To provide your feedback, please fill in the short survey, by clicking on the link below:


Completing the survey will take approximately 30 minutes, if you wish to provide substantiated answers to all the questions. Instructions are provided in the survey. The deadline for completing the survey is the 16th of September 2022.

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