Камара на инженерите в инвестиционното прокетиране Chamber of engineers in the investment design

Метростанция - София Летище София Спортна зала

Информация за инициатива на New European Bauhaus


Уважаеми колеги,

В КИИП, като членка на ЕСЕС (Европейски Съюз на Инженерните Камари) https://www.ecec.net/, постъпи информация от Европейската комисия за набиране на експерти (физически лица), които да оценяват проекти.

Контактът с Комисията трябва да е личен на E-mailEC-New-European-Bauhaus@ec.europa.eu


относно:   New European Bauhaus Initiative - Selection process for the cross missions calls under Horizon Funds

We are writing to you regarding the possibility of our New European Bauhaus official partners to support the Commission in evaluating project proposals for Bauhaus lighthouse demonstrators (call HORIZON-MISS-2021-NEB-01-01). This would be in your individual capacity and not as an entity.

We would kindly ask you to answer to this email expressing your interest (or another colleague’s interest) in the possibility of being involved in the capacity of experts for this specific call, but also for future opportunities to contribute to the implementation of the Initiative.

Please note that in order for you to have the possibility to participate in the evaluations, you need to register your profile in the official expert database via this link, in case you have not done it yet. You can find more information regarding the conditions at the above link.

It’s important for us to clarify that, if selected, you won’t be participating in the evaluation process as members of such and such official partner entity, but in your personal capacity.

Apart from this specific New European Bauhaus Horizon call, others will come in the future, but we ask you to get back to us with the following answers already today, if possible:

- Are you interested in participating as expert evaluator in the HORIZON-MISS-2021-NEB-01-01 call? YES/NO

- Are you interested in participating as expert evaluator for future calls/activities linked to the NEB? YES/NO

- Are you already registered in the EU expert portal? YES/NO

Thank you very much in advance for your reply and apologies for the quick request today. If you miss today, you will still have time to see and register for future calls.

Any questions on the above, please see the relevant links. We, the New European Bauhaus Team, will not be able to respond to all our partners individually. The Commission’s expert database is managed by another team, please ask your questions to them.

European Commission
Joint Research Centre

New European Bauhaus


Rue du Champ de Mars, 21

CDMA 5/148, B-1049 Brussels/Belgium


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