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How Eurocode’s implementation has been initiated and progressed
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Contact with EC Programme
Training and dissemination in academic institutions
Mobility, training, seminars, publications
Dissemnition for engineers
Seminars and publications
International coopertion for development and dissemination ENV stage/
Publications e-bay technical support
Preliminary phase of National Implementation ENV based
Normative documents NAD
National Implementation
Official Translation of ENs and National Annexes
International cooperation for promotion and implementation
UE Progects
UE Progects
Phare - Tempus
ASRO MLPT Ministry of
Public Works
Steel Research and Design driven the process, and the School of Steel construction of PU Timisoara played
a leading role Seismic design needs and the progress of codification in the field has pushed to speed-up the
adoption of Structural Eurocodes , particularly for concrete, steel and composite steel-concrete structures
JEP 02747: 1991/92 – 1993/94: “Development of Training in Civil Engineering “ -1st contact and Seminars
on EC 3 and EC 4, in 1993 in Timisoara ; a draft version for revised version of Standard for Design of Steel
Structures (ENV 1993-1-1, DIN 18800, STAS 10108/0-78) JEP 4502: 1992/93 – 1994/95: “The Introduction of
Standards and the Improvement of Higher Education and Training of Civil Engineering in Romania” – The four
main Civil Eng. Schools in Romania involved ; 5 EU partners involved I drafting Eurocodes; Seminars&Workshops
and first Note Books; training of staff & student’s mobility.
Seminars and workshop on Eurocodes
How Eurocode’s implementation has been initiated and progressed
Academic Phase :TEMPUS PHARE Projects
Academic Phase :TEMPUS PHARE Projects
Prof. Dan Dubina, M.C. Romanian Academy
The Politehnica University of Timisoara
How Eurocode’s implementation has initiated Academic phase Institutional phase
Support of International scientific and cooperation
Professional Community attitude and contribution
Actual Situation New Seismic Design Code P100-2013
mentation. Influence of National Seismic Design Code